0.55: Tibber, DuckDNS, The Things Network, Owntrack


Beside the improved Wink support which was contributed by @w1ll1am23, ships this release a wide variety of new components and platforms. The input_slider components has received a makeover by @BioSehnsucht and is now input_number. @tinloaf added a feature that allows you to enter dates: input_datetime. Both will help you to improve your automation rules.


Using Home Assistant with DuckDNS for Dynamic DNS (DDNS or DynDNS) is an old story. DuckDNS is also integrated in Hass.io. 0.55 ships a component for non Hass.io users to get a similar feature.


The purging of data was improved. With purge_interval you can schedule regular purges of older events and states. In combination you can specify with purge_keep_days the amount of days you want to keep. The new service recorder.purge allows you to handle this task when needed.


Owntracks is an easy way to track your devices. For some times we have the device tracker which depends on MQTT but thanks to a new feature in Owntracks we can now offer support for HTTP. The new platform doesn’t require a MQTT broker but sends messages directly as HTTP requests to Home Assistant.


This release introduces a new sensor: Tibber. The sensor provides the current electricity price if you are a Tibber customer. This will allow you to make automation for turning off the heater when the electricity price is high or only charge your electric car when the prices are low. We further plan to add support for showing future electricity prices and historic electricity consumption data. Tibber is currently only available in Norway and Sweden

The Things Network

The Things Network (TTN) is a LoRaWAN based network especially designed for IoT devices. With this integration one can observe the state of devices which are out of range of the local WiFi network as long as they are connected to a TTN gateway.

New Platforms

0.55.1 - October 15

If you need help…

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Reporting Issues

Experiencing issues introduced by this release? Please report them in our issue tracker. Make sure to fill in all fields of the issue template.

Breaking Changes

  • history_graph component: If your component used history.get_significant_states function then you need to adjust the string entity_id parameter has been changed to a list of strings entity_ids parameter. (@andrey-git - #9472) (breaking change)
  • UPNP component: The external_port configuration option was removed. (@balloob - #9560) (upnp docs) (breaking change)
  • New Wink services: pair new device, rename, delete and add new lock key code. All device attributes that are multi-words are now separated by “_” and no longer “ “. (@w1ll1am23 - #9303) (wink docs) (binary_sensor.wink docs) (lock.wink docs) (breaking change)
  • TP-Link Switch: Attribute names now uses underscores and unnecessary capitalization was removed. (@djchen - #9607) (switch.tplink docs) (breaking change)
  • Renamed input_slider to input_number which has now a numeric text box option. (@BioSehnsucht - #9494) (demo docs) (input_number docs) (breaking change)
  • Recorder: Add new purge service and interval. The recorder component no longer accepts a purge_days parameter. If you are using purge_days you must use purge_interval and purge_keep_days. (@milanvo - #9523) (recorder docs) (breaking change)
  • OpenCV image processing: Typo in classifier was fixed. (@arsaboo - #9697) (image_processing.opencv docs) (breaking change)
  • Tradfri Lights: Async support with resource observation. (@lwis - #7815) (tradfri docs) (light.tradfri docs) (breaking change)

All changes