Home Assistant 0.41: Tado, Volumio, Workday, improved Plex


Welcome to 0.41. There was a lot going on in the last two weeks. Not only from the code side but also from the social one of Home Assistant. Paulus did an interview with OpenSourceCraft, Fabian did a workshop at the Chemnitzer Linux Tage, and we are now an award-winning Open source project (I will cover that in a separate blog post).


@JesseWebDotCom made massive changes to the Plex media player platform. From better metadata support over new configuration options to improved controls and non-controllable clients.

Component overview

The Components overview is now powered by search/filtering feature. This will make it faster to get the component/platform you are looking for more quickly. Thanks again, @bdurrer for this.


The new format of the changelog which was introduced with 0.40 will provide a link to the related pull request. We are not covering everything in our release notes but we think that this addition will make it easier to find details about the change.

New platforms/components

Breaking changes

  • The Kodi notifier platform was migrated to async and the configuration synced with the Kodi media player platform (#6497).
  • For the Music Player Daemon (MPD) platform was location replaced with name (#6553).
  • Event decorators were removed (#6634).
  • The Emby mediaplayer platform was changed to avoid name clashes (#6664).
  • In a lot of places were the power and energy units update. This change mostly affects the switch platforms (#6212).
  • If set to auto then the MQTT implementation will use the bundled certificates automatically (#6707).
  • Autodiscovery of Android IP Webcam was removed (#6528).
  • The frontend is now using Shadow DOM and this could break your custom panels (#228).

If you need help…

…don’t hesitate to use our very active forums or join us for a little chat. The release notes have comments enabled but it’s preferred if you use the former communication channels. Thanks.

Reporting Issues

Experiencing issues introduced by this release? Please report them in our issue tracker. Make sure to fill in all fields of the issue template.

All changes